Workshop on Novel Approaches of Systems Neuroscience to Sports and Rehabilitation

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[ Talk 5 ] 15:40

Development of VR platform for cloud-based neurorehabilitation
Tetsunari Inamura
National Institute of Informatics / The Graduate University for Advanced Studies

In this talk, I propose a cloud based immersive virtual reality system which enables advanced neurorehabilitation towards understanding and utilizing body representation in the brain. Collecting huge number of clinical rehabilitation results are required to understand the mechanism of the neurorehabilitation especially for phantom limb pain and hemiplegia. In these disorders, imitation therapy and mirror therapy are well adopted that use correspondence between visual stimulus of limb motion and actual limb motion. In the VR system, virtual limbs’ motions are determined in a server system and sent to a client system that connects to immersive VR interfere. Using this system visual stimulus can be distributed to many patients from the server, and the reaction of the patients can be collected automatically. Such a system has a potential to collect huge scale of clinical database and to realize a real-time distribution of appropriate motion for each patient according to the progress of the rehabilitation.